Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shrines - Rooftop view of Mount Olympus!

I am so well loved by my fellow countrymen that they have built thousands of small roadside houses throughout Greece in the hopes that i will come visit them. Just joking ! These are roadside Greek Orthodox shrines, a custom "borrowed" from earlier pagan days.They usually have candles, bottles of consecrated oil and water, religious icons and sometimes pictures of loved ones. These shrines often mark a place where a fatal accident occurred (in remembrance) or where an accident was miraculously prevented (to give thanks). There are a wide variety of styles of these shrines adding much character to the Greek landscape. Last week out of curiosity,i counted roadside shrines for one hour and the total reached 118. Thanks to this tradition i have saved thousands of Euros throughout the years in hotel costs.
This particular picture has the stunning background of Mount Olympus!

Blue and white are very common colors here in Greece.

So many icons, so little space...
The skyscraper of shrines!
Heavy-metal shrine!
Old-school shrine! And Mount Olympus in the background...!

1 comment:

Litsaki said...

Shame on you little naked thing to photograph yourself with this outlook in front of the shrines, hahaha!!!! Interesting theme though i must admit! :)