Saturday, March 10, 2012

Water...falling in love with Edessa!

Here i am under the main waterfalls in Edessa, a beautiful little mountain city in Macedonia. It is easily one of the most picturesque cities in all of northern Greece. The city is built on a cliff, surrounding a series of waterfalls and has several water ways wandering throughout its streets and parks. This creates a very quaint setting with dramatic views in all directions. You are never far from water while walking through Edessa, you will find yourself continually crossing over little bridges no matter where you turn.

The proud citizens keep their community very clean and well maintained. There is an absence of garbage littered streets that we have come to expect here in Greece and the buildings are all very well maintained in traditional fashion. It is a great place to stroll with several nice cafes and restaurants around the downtown square and nice walking paths trailing around the water falls and streams that wind their way through the city.

Legend has it that the area was colonized by citizens of Argos. The story goes...their leader upon reaching this area let a goat loose and where the goat stopped to feed they build the town. There is a sculpture in the city's square commemorating the event.

The area has been continually inhabited for over 3000 years by a variety of cultures. Its close proximity to the borders of Balkan and Serbian nations to the north, made it a victim of pillage and take overs throughout its history. In more modern times it was burned to the ground by the Nazi's in retaliation for the death of one German soldier by resistance forces. Those Nazi's really had an odd sense of justice.

There is an ancient Roman site worth checking out below the waterfalls that are well maintained. This is a perfectly romantic place for a couple to spend a weekend and a great home base for those winter visitors that want to try out the local ski hills. The air up here is so clean and refreshing it is exhilarating, it really makes a person feel very awake and alive.

Sculpture in the square, celebrating the region's rural goat herding roots.
A whole new meaning to... a cold shower!
A view of the valley from behind the waterfalls.
Giant plane tree downtown.
Another smaller waterfall.
The Star of Vergina, the symbol of Macedonia.
Frozen mist below the falls.
Walkway leading behind the falls.
Nice place to seat and meditate!

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